Thursday, May 10, 2012

Hair curls

The curly look is not as simple as straightening your hair. In order to curl your hair you can  have any type of curling iron or curling rolls. You will also need hair spray to hold in the curls.
For your first step you want to have your hair blow- dried straight. Then section off your hair into layers. Start from the bottom and work your way up.
Grab a reasonable section of hair from your first layer, and mist it with hairspray, after that take the curling iron and wrap it around your hair 2 inches away from your scalp, and when doing the front pieces of hair pull back with it so the curling iron is not in front of your face. Have your hair wrapped around the curling iron for about 25 seconds and then release. After you have released your hair, spray that strand again to keep the curl tight.
Do each strand of hair until you have finished that layer and then work your way up and repeat the same steps until you have completed your hair.

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